academia, academics, Coaching case studies, coaching topics, Ellie's World, Self-reflection, Work-life balance

Boiling academics – a post for Mental Health Awareness Week 2021

Its nearly 2 years since I left my employed role as an academic. I left because there was an opportunity to do more of the things I liked and values, and less of the things I found stressful and de-energising. Whilst being self-employed is certainly not stress-free even outside of a global pandemic, there is… Continue reading Boiling academics – a post for Mental Health Awareness Week 2021

Coaching case studies, coaching topics, Imposter syndrome, Learning and Growth

Imposter Syndrome

Many of my coaching clients want to talk about their confidence to carry out their role. They use phrases such as "I'm a fraud", "I'm going to be found out" - which tells me that they are troubled by "imposter syndrome" as well as possibly a lack of confidence. Imposter syndrome is something I know… Continue reading Imposter Syndrome