A Coachee's Guide to..., about coaching, coaching, Ellie's World, Self-reflection

Coaching space

Last week I took part in a coaching supervision session (something we coaches do to bring and discuss aspects of our coaching practice with other experienced coaches). We spent quite a bit of time thinking about space, which sent this former physicist immediately into a thought train of space-time continuum and parallel universes in one… Continue reading Coaching space

about coaching, coaching, Self-reflection

How do you know when to end coaching?

This is a really difficult one, but just like other parts of life most coaching partnerships need to end eventually. But how do you know when that is? Sometimes, it's clear in the sense that the coaching was aimed at a very particular challenge or issue and the coachee has reached their goal, made progress… Continue reading How do you know when to end coaching?

A Coachee's Guide to..., about coaching, coaching tools, coaching topics, DIY coaching, Values

A Coachee’s Guide to….. Values

Your Values represent what is important to you in life. Knowing your Values can help you understand what drives you, what you enjoy, what inspires you and what you would like more of. I often use Values as a framework in coaching sessions where the coachee wants “something to change” or “something to be different”… Continue reading A Coachee’s Guide to….. Values

A Coachee's Guide to..., about coaching, coaching, coaching topics

A Coachee’s guide to….. a coaching session

So you've signed up for, or are interested in, a coaching session. But what does that actually mean? Do you need to do anything in advance? Will the coach ask me weird questions? Will I end up discussing my childhood? Will I be given lots of homework? All of these are questions I have been… Continue reading A Coachee’s guide to….. a coaching session

A Coachee's Guide to..., about coaching, coaching

A Coachee’s Guide to….. Coaching

I advertise leadership, career and personal development coaching, but what does this actually mean? Coaching has a chequered past. Back in the mists of time, coaching was usually interpreted as being used to develop specific skills – especially sports skills. It has also been viewed negatively as something that is suggested to correct a problem,… Continue reading A Coachee’s Guide to….. Coaching